Transmittal Services – Invoice


The Transmittal Service for electronically submitting IRS Forms 940 and 941 and CA Forms DE9 and DE9C is available to all AME Customers. The fees for this service are included and the Enrollment Agreement must be completed, signed and on file with AME before any file will be submitted.

Enrollment with the IRS is required to electronically send 94x forms. This process can take 4-6 weeks. An IRS 8655 form signed by each of your clients and a Reporting Agent’s List must be processed with the IRS and a Reporting Agent’s PIN must be obtained from the IRS prior to submitting any 940 or 941 forms. Please call AME for IRS required forms.

CA EDD does not require any enrollment or registration to transmit DE9 and DE9C forms. Read full description below:

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AME transmits at 3pm PST, Monday-Friday (excluding holidays) during the month following the end of each quarter. Any files received after 3pm PST will be submitted on the next business day.

AME cannot be held liable for late filing of any form when this requirement is not met.

Once files have been successfully transmitted, AME Customers will receive a report which will include Company Name, File Type (i.e. 941, DE9, etc) EIN#, Acknowledgement ID#, Date and Time file was transmitted, Status and error descriptions if applicable.

AME Customers are only charged for those files that have an “Accepted” status.

Total Number of Forms Transmitted During Quarter Fee Per Form
2-25 $5.00
26-50 $4.00
51-100 $3.00 **
101-250 $2.00 **
251-500 $1.25 **
Over 501 $700 flat per qtr **


**Must submit forms in batches of 10+ or will be billed at higher rate.

There is a 2 form minimum per quarter for this service.
There are no trial periods for this service.
Prices subject to change without notice.
AME reserves the right to suspend this service for nonpayment of prior quarter.

If you are not currently enrolled in this service, please download, print and complete the AME Transmittal Services Agreement below.

Fax or email the completed form to (760)410-8800 or [email protected]

Once you are entered into the system, you will receive an email from AME with further instructions.